Navigation: I spent a good hour-ish trying to get a pretty navigation bar up there *points up* above the header, and failed miserably at every attempt. Eventually I just put a couple links over there *points over there* in the sidebar, but I didn't particularly like them there, so now they are gone. But I am determined to whip that navigation bar into submission this weekend. Or something less creepy.Did you see my pretty new navigation bar up there? *points up* Did you, did you, did you?!?!Review Archive: I didn't think this was something I would ever need or feature here on RRHS, but the more I visit other blogs that have one, the more thankful I am that it's there. If I want someone's opinion on one particular book, it's so much easier to click a link and find all of their reviews sorted by title or author, versus having to search through pages of content or clouds full of labels to find what I'm looking for.Challenges: Along with the review archive, I also want to make a page to keep progress of the challenges I have entered. They are currently in the sidebar, but I feel like the space there could be better utilised if these things had their own page.- Fix Link Targets: My links kind of target randomly based on what kind of mood I was in when I wrote them. Some sort of uniformity might be good, yeah?
Pimp my Profiles: I hate writing profiles and "about me" sections. My profiles on the blog, Twitter, Goodreads, Netgalley, etc. need some work.- Finish Reviews: There are 3 or 4 reviews sitting half-written on my computer that I've been avoiding for a while because I don't want to think hard enough to finish them. This weekend, I must think (what a bummer) and just finish them already.
Sort Through Sidebar: If there's one thing that bothers me, it's out of control sidebars. I want to make sure that what needs to be there, is there, and what doesn't, well...isn't.Write a Review Policy: I got my first review request recently, and it made me think it's time for one of these puppies to become part of the blog.Pinterest For RRHS: I have a well-used Pinterest account for personal things, and after reading the mini-challenge for Bloggiesta, I want to Pinterest-ize the blog, too.Update Old Reviews: As I was pinning my reviews, I noticed the older ones from my blogging stint last year are formatted differently than the new ones. I like the new format better, so I want to update those old ones to match.- A Button. Or Something: Pretty buttons are fun. Pretty custom button-somethings for weekly meme posts are even
funnermore fun. Thus, I should maybe make some. This one isn't really a priority, but if for some reason I finish everything else (ha!), this will keep me busy.
**I apologize to anyone who is trying to comment and getting stuck/angry with word verification. Blogger apparently thinks it is important enough to keep turning it back on after I turn it off. Hopefully it will stop doing this soon!**