Hi there! My name is Michelle and I am the blogger behind Re-Reading High School. I'm a nanny to three monstrous fabulous children by day, and a hardcover-wielding ninja by night. I spend most of my time with my kids (but they're not my kids) and my cats (who really are my cats). Sadly, none of them can read the books I like - some of them can't even read at all - so I decided to start blogging about them instead..the books, not the kids and the cats.
Aside from reading, my favorite things are my cats, other people's cats, other people's dogs (but not my dogs), some people's children, cupcakes not made from a box, Chipotle burritos, Coke (never Pepsi), summer camp, pretty colors, people with common sense, Oreo Cookie milkshakes, peppermint tea, iced lattes, blue and orange SweetTarts, Starbucks drive-throughs, staying in bed until 1pm, run-on sentences, the library, driving home from the library with my iPod turned up too loud, Ambrosius (both the dog my Nook is named after, and my Nook itself), cherry slushies from Sonic, and rambling on aimlessly.
Before you invite me to any parties, please be sure to have some pear cider and Round Table pizza on hand. Mushrooms and olives required, pepperoni optional.
The Editors
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of kmgnoid dgyiastfs w4dhk,b.Meet these literary geniuses below, pictured doing what they do best.
Letters to Noelle
Her favorite things? Freeze-dried shrimp and warm laps.
The Great Gatsby
His favorite things? Breakfast time, lunch time, dinner time, I'm-stealing-your-dinner-while-it's-still-cooking-on-the-stove time and it's-four-am-wake-up-and-let's-eat! time.